
What is wrong with the transportation in Toluca?

First of all, it is important to mention that the two most important means of transportation in Toluca are taxis and buses. Both are obsolete vehicles that pollute too much and in some cases represent a risk for those who use them because they do not have the most basic safety measures such as safety belts or airbags. Another important point is that most of the time both buses and taxis are operated by drivers without the necessary training. This causes them to drive in a disorganized way producing vehicular congestion such as can be seen in the following image.      That image also shows that there is an excessive number of buses to meet the demand for transportation, which is a clear sign that the means of transportation we currently have is highly inefficient. The drivers do not respect the traffic regulations nor the speed limits established by the authorities so that accidents are a matter of everyday. This causes a great many dea...
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